State of
Department of
Toxic Substances Control
1) How long have you lived
or worked in the area?
__ 0‑5 years __ 6‑12 years __ 13‑20
years __ 21 or more years
2) Prior to reading the
letter, were you aware of the site's condition?
__ YES __ NO
If YES, where did you acquire your prior knowledge
about the site?
__ Newspapers __
Neighbors __
__ Other (Please specify
source, especially if you have information about the early history of the site.
Attach additional pages as needed):
3) What is your current
level of interest in this site?
__ None __ Low to
moderate __ Moderate to high
4) Do you have any specific
concerns about this site or project? If so, please describe:
5) Have you had any contact
with local, state or other officials regarding this site?
__ YES àà If YES, please describe:
__ NO
6) Have you had any contact with the owners of this site or those responsible for its cleanup?
__ YES àà If YES, please describe:
__ NO
àà à Please
continue on the backside ààà
7) Are you interested in
receiving information about the investigation and future work?
__ YES àà If YES, what is the best
way? __ Fact Sheets or Letters
__ NO __ Community Meetings
__ Other (please specify)
8) What
languages are spoken in your community?
If you named a language besides English, do you feel
that future communication to community
members regarding this site should be written in
this language? __ YES __ NO
9) Can you suggest any other person or groups that might be interested in receiving information about this site or the work proposed for it?
10) Please let us know of
any other comments or questions.
11) If you are interested in being added or taken off the mailing list for information related to ITT Cannon Humboldt Street Property site, please check the appropriate line and return to the
address below.
__ Please place me on the
mailing list for future materials on this site.
__ Please remove my name from
the mailing list.
Name: Place
Please mail
this document to:
Department of Toxic Substances Control
5796 Corporate Avenue
Cypress, CA 90630
Attn: Leticia Hernandez, Public Participation
Please fold the letter with the address showing,
place stamp on the right‑hand side and staple or seal, thank you.