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Government Links and Information List

City of Los Angeles 
•  Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa
•  Councilmember Reyes
•  Los Angeles Police Department
•  Los Angeles Public Library
  Important Phone Numbers
  LA City Charter, the Administrative Code, and parts of the Municipal Code
County of Los Angeles
  First District Supervisor Gloria Molina
State of California 
•  Assemblymember Kevin de Leon
•  State Senator Gloria Romero
Federal Government 
•  United States Representative Xavier Becerra
•  United States Senator Barbara Boxer
•  United States Senator Dianne Feinstein
•  President George Bush
C i t y  o f  L o s  A n g e l e s 

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa  
Mayor's Office, City of Los Angeles 
200 North Spring Street 
Los Angeles, California 90012  
fax 213.978.0657  

e-mail Mayor Villaraigosa   

Councilmember Ed Reyes 
200 North Spring Street, Room 318  
Los Angeles, California 90012  

e-mail Council Member Reyes  

C i t y  D o c u m e n t s  a n d  L i n k s 

Los Angeles Police Department

Los Angeles Public Library

Important Phone Numbers 

LA City Charter, the Administrative Code, and parts of the Municipal Code 

C o u n t y  o f  L o s  A n g e l e s 

First District Supervisor Gloria Molina 
856 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration 
500 West Temple Street 
Los Angeles, CA 90012 
fax 213.613.1739 

e-mail District Supervisor Molina 

S t a t e   o f   C a l i f o r n i a 

Assemblyman Kevin de Leon 
Capitol Office:
State Capitol
P.O. Box 942849
Sacramento, CA 94249-0045
Tel: (916) 319-2045
Fax: (916) 319-2145

District Office:
360 West Avenue 26, Suite 121
Los Angeles, CA 90031
Tel: (323) 225-4545
Fax: (323)225-4500

e-mail the Assemblyman  

State Senator Gloria Romero 
District Office: 140 s. Mednik Avenue, Suite 202
Los Angeles, CA 90022

e-mail Senator Romero 

F e d e r a l   G o v e r n m e n t  

United States Representative Xavier Becerra 
Los Angeles Office: 1910 West Sunset Boulevard  Suite 560 
Echo Park, CA  90026 

United States Senator Barbara Boxer 
2250 East Imperial Highway, Suite 545  
El Segundo, CA 90245  
fax 213.894.5012 

e-mail Senator Boxer  

United States Senator Dianne Feinstein 
331 Hart Senate Office Building  
Washington, D.C. 20510  
Phone: 202/224-3841  
Fax: 202/228-3954  

e-mail Senator Feinstein  

President George Bush 

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